Get your Curlz on

Try Curlzilla on your own Bare Metal!

Download Curlzilla for Linux

Linux is everywhere. It's free. It'll run on almost anything. And it took over the data center some time ago. Chances are good, you've got a Linux host somewhere you use for something nerdy like "DNS", web serving, or whatever. Ask your IT department about it. They'll know. Then tell them to come download Curlzilla for Linux, and get it running, so you can fire that entire quality assurance department, and save tons of money!

curlzilla-2.3.tar.gz for Linux

Download Curlzilla for Mac OS X

Web designers love Mac OS X ("Oh Ess Ten". Only dipshits pronounce it "Oh Ess Ex." Don't be a dipshit). So do developers. If you're a web designer or a developer (and let's not get it twisted; those are two entirely separate things), chances are that you're reading this web page right now using OS X. That's why we made a version of Curlzilla just for you. Feel the raw power of UNIX when you launch Curlzilla for the first time, and start testing the hell out of your web application. Download the Mac OS X version of Curlzilla today.

curlzilla-macosx-2.3.tar.gz for Mac OS X

Try Curlzilla in the Cloud.


If you'd like to build and test Curlzilla on a Heroku Dyno, get in touch with our sales department. We'll be happy to help you out... FOR A PRICE! Because quality testing isn't free.

Amazon AWS

Do you rely on Amazon Web Services to manage your (virtual) hardware? We've got good news! Given that AWS is, basically, "Linux running on someone else's computer", we can get you up and running Curlzilla in no time, flat if you use AWS. Just get in touch with our sales department, and we'll square you away. One way, or another...


We've got a few different ways we can get Curlzilla running for you on Docker. They're probably a little more complicated than a technology-purchaser like you could possibly fathom, but put your "propellerhead" in touch with our propellerhead", and we will help you get rid of your entire QA department before you can blink an eye.

Do curls!

Do them now. Do them often. Do them on your hardware. Do them on somebody else's hardware. But you have to do them. Because if you don't, your customers will, and when it turns out that web dev team you hired didn't know what they made you think they knew, or when it turns out that engineering-test team failed to figure out the cold, hard reality that your webserver sucks, or your database sucks, or whatever, well, don't find things out that way. Get buff today with automated testing!


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